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Category : Test Equipment : Microwave & RF

50-1300 Mhz Antenna Trainer

  Product Brief :

50-1300Mhz Antenna Trainer

We Signet are one of the well known manufacturers and exporters of Synthesized Signal Generators, Noise Generators, Sweep Generators, Color Pattern Generators, Microstrip Systems Trainer, etc. We conduct the most advanced quality checks to ensure that our equipment is fit to meet any kind of requirement. Our equipment also undergoes stringent checks at all manufacturing levels to ensure high performance products.

We are a professionally managed company which strives on customer satisfaction. Since inception we have evolved and have imbibed the latest and the best in terms of technology, infrastructure and technical expertise to produce world class products for our esteemed customers. Our efforts have not only brought remarkable growth for the company but have also helped us win an impressive client base all over the globe.


Brief Description

S-99 Antenna Systems Trainer has been designed for teaching and demonstrating the commonly used antenna configurations at all levels of study. Practical verification of theoretical concepts is easily possible, because accurate, automatic and repeatable measurements of Polar Plots (involving 360/72 measurements) can be completed in 3 to 5 minutes.
S-99 Antenna Systems Trainer comprises of two towers for mounting the transmitting and receiving antenna, synthesized receiver, synthesized rf source with tracking facility and accessories like 20 antennas, antenna stepper positioner, directional coupler, etc. All the antennas are matched for a typical VSWR<2 and have been designed by Prof Girish Kumar, Elect Engg Dept, IIT Bombay, India.

S- 99 Antenna Systems Trainer works in stand alone mode as well as in conjunction with a PC. Polar Plots of the Antenna can be printed directly on an epson printer. SI-3006 Antenna Analysis Software greatly enhances the understanding of electromagnetic concepts and measurement capability. The whole system can be easily accommodated on a standard laboratory bench. Distance between transmitting and receiving antennas is typically 3 to 6 meters for use within laboratories. However, due to the high sensitivity and wide dynamic range of the receiver the distance can be increased manifold.

Key Specifications 
 S- 99R Receiver Synthesized
The receiver measures the incoming signal picked up by the receiving antenna. The input impedance is 50 ohms and the frequency range is 50 to 1300MHz. Frequency can be entered manually via the key board or via software. Wide dynamic range (100dB), 0.1dB resolution, 3dB typical level accuracy, 125KHz frequency resolution and narrow resolution bandwidth (300KHz typical) allow accurate spurious free measurements. The receiver also has a built-in positioner controller (via centronics port) and a serial port (RS232) for computer interface. The receiver connects to the transmitter generator via a co-ax cable for making tracking measurements.

 S- 99V Transmitter Synthesized
The transmitter is a 50 ohms synthesized rf source to drive the transmitting antenna. Frequency can be keyed-in manually via the keypad or controlled by the receiver. The typical output is 115dBuV with a frequency resolution of 125KHz.

 S- 99P Positioner Stepper
The stepper positioner rotates the Antenna in 1deg or 5deg steps. The stepper is controlled by the receiver via centronics interface to make synchronous measurements.

 Antennas - 20nos. IIT Bombay designs
The antennas have been divided in three categories: Classical (7 antennas), Printed (7 antennas) and Microstrip (6 antennas). All the antennas are properly matched and have a VSWR<2 at the frequency of operation.

Three Dipoles, Monopole, Planar Monopole, Square Loop, Quad, Slot, Helical, Three Yagi-Uda (3, 5 & 7 elements) Log-Periodic, Rectangular Patch (Lossy), Rectangular Patch (Suspended), Compact Microstrip, Circularly Polarised Patch, Broadside and Endfire Array and Spiral

 Current and Voltage Probes
The current probe (red) gives a voltage output proportional to the current flowing through an antenna element.

The voltage probe gives an output voltage proportional to the voltage induced by the antenna element.

 Directional Coupler
The directional coupler is of robust design, for the measurement of Vincident and Vreflected, for the computaion of VSWR. The useable range is 0.1 to 1.3GHz with a typical midrange directivity of 20dB.

 SI-3006 Software
Polar & Cartesian Plots, 5 Polar Plots, Antenna Frequency Bandwidth, Beamwidth, Gain, Side Lobe, Angle, Spectrum, Forward / Reverse Voltage, VSWR vs Freq, RF Recorder, Polar / EMI - Cursor measurements etc are possible via RS232.

Optional available features are 3D Polar Plot and Vertical Plane Plot features. - Requires Pentium 3+ and Microsoft Windows 98 / 2000 / XP.

Our products have always catered to the requirements of our customers. This is due to the excellent range of products we manufacture. Our quality controllers have always ensured that our products maintain their reputation in the market at all costs. Total Quality Management is the basic objective of our organization.

As a company of high repute, we are bound to provide all the hi tech equipments and machineries that are available in the market. Our machinery has been the backbone of our entire manufacturing process Our machines are simple to operate, compact, sturdy and are in excellent condition. We have high regards for our work force.

Servicing Network
We provide after sale service across the country. We have a pool of qualified and experienced engineers to cater the needs of the customers at any time.

We endeavor to satisfy our clients by offering them quality products. Our endeavors have helped us to clinch a set of high profile clients all over the country. Our list of clients includes:

I.I.T. Bombay, Madras, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Roorkee
Air & Doordarshan
DGS&D, Defence Institue of Armament Technology
Military College of Engg., Pune
Defence Science Centre, Delhi
University of Madras
Birla Institute of Technology
Dirubhai Ambani Institute - Gandhinagar



Contact Person : Mr M. Loynmoon
Address : 201/202, Champaklal Indl Estate, 105, Sion (East)
Mumbai, Maharashtra-400 001(INDIA)
Phone : +(91)-(22)-24011079
Fax : +(91)-(22)-24070266 

E-mail :

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Phone :9122 24011079Fax :9122 24070266



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